05 April 2023

We’re just 3 episodes into I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 2023 and it’s clear that Token’s own Peter Helliar has settled into Jungle Life with ease. In Episode 1 Pete was revealed as the Celebrity Comedian that had been teased on socials in the lead up to the premiere. The funny man was welcomed into camp with a healthy dose of harmless hazing! The group were challenged to call TV Icon Peter Helliar by anything but his own name. He was called Paul, Patrick, Pedro… even Santa Claus! Hard to deny the similarity with that one after he’d just been covered in slime and blasted in the face with feathers.

Pete took it on the chin and was very gracious about it all – he only implied that he’d piss on the others while they’re sleeping once! In the end his old friends Liz Ellis and Ian “Dicko” Dickson gave up the rouse, simply unable to snub their mate Pete any longer.

So far Peter has mastered the light-hearted cut away, ever ready with a witty remark. We’re only a handful of days in and Pete has also shown that he’s up for indulging in the deep and meaningful chats too. It appears that Pete has become a quite the likeable and fun-loving team player. Pete even volunteered to be the camp dish pig. “You’re Kidding?” said his wife from home.

When Pete returns from South Africa, he’s picking up his Deconstructed Origami tour right where it left off. His shows are on sale in Sydney, Brissy, Melbourne, Packham, Hobart and more!! Get your tickets at Comedy.com.au
